Garden Valley School Division
Board of Trustees
2024/25 Re-organization Meeting
At the September 10, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting, Trustees re-elected, by acclamation, Leah Klassen as the Board Chair for the 2024/25 school year. At the same meeting, John Klassen was acclaimed as Board Vice Chair and will also Chair the Education Standing Committee. Trustee Tena Lane will Chair the Operation Standing Committee with Mandy Thiessen Chairing the Community Connections Committee.
The Standing Committees for 2024/25 are as follows:
Education – Trustees John Klassen, Heather DiFrancesco and Philipp Unruh
Operations – Trustees Tena Lane, Mike Rempel and Pamela Hiebert
Community Connections – Trustees Mandy Thiessen, Deana Wilson and Leah Klassen