GVSD Announces PLS Vice-Principal Appointment
Posted on 05/02/2022
Shake HandsThe Garden Valley School Division Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the appointment of Janna Larsen to the position of Vice-Principal of Parkland Elementary School effective September 2023.

Ms. Larsen has experience as a Classroom Teacher, Performing Arts Specialist, Curriculum Developer, Divisional Consultant, University Instructor, Resource Teacher and Counsellor/Arts Therapist and has worked for the University of Winnipeg, University of Manitoba, Brandon University, Canadian Mennonite University and Winnipeg School Division. Ms. Larsen currently is in the role of Inclusive Education Resource Teacher at École Riverview School in Winnipeg School Division. Ms. Larsen holds a Bachelor of Education, a Bachelor of Music, a Diploma in Expressive Arts Therapy and two Post Baccalaureate Diplomas in Education (Inclusive Education and Counselling). She is currently working on a Master of Education through the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Ms. Larsen believes that students are at the centre of all learning, and in the importance of guiding students to develop the attributes of courage, respect, responsibility, and kindness toward others.

Garden Valley School Division congratulates Ms. Larsen on this administrative appointment.