Student Services
Welcome to Student Services!
Garden Valley School Division recognizes that today’s classrooms reflect a diverse community and include a variety of student needs, learning styles and cultural backgrounds. We support the Manitoba Education commitment to fostering inclusion.
”Inclusion is a way of thinking and acting that allows every individual to feel accepted, valued and safe. An inclusive community consciously evolves to meet the changing needs of its members. Through recognition and support, an inclusive community provides meaningful involvement and equal access to the benefits of citizenship.”
Garden Valley School Division embraces inclusion and believes that by working together, we strengthen our capacity to provide the foundation for a richer future for all of us. The goal of the Student Services Team is to foster, support and assist in facilitating an Inclusive Educational Environment in all schools in Garden Valley School Division. Through consultation, collaboration and ongoing support of teachers and parents, the division and its schools are committed to:
- Developing the intellectual, physical, social, psychological and communicative potential of each student.
- Providing inclusive learning environments as defined by appropriate education legislation.
- Providing equitable access to appropriate educational programming via a continuum of supports and services.
- Developing meaningful and collaborative partnerships with students, educators, families and communities.
Garden Valley School Division Student Services are guided by a Student Services Protocol. The protocol is meant to guide the process of supporting and working effectively with students with exceptional learning needs in Garden Valley School Division.
To view the protocol, see the GVSD Student Services Protocol.pdf