Bus Safety Rules for Students Passengers
At All Times
Exercise care, caution, good manners and consideration for other people.
Arriving at the Pickup Point
- Be on time. Leave your home in good time so that you will arrive at the pick-up point 3 to 5 minutes before the school bus arrives.
- If you have to walk along the road to reach the bus stop, walk on the left side facing oncoming traffic.
- Walk on the shoulder of the road where possible, and not on the travelled portion.
- If other students are waiting at the bus stop, get in line without pushing or jostling and stay off the road.
Boarding the Bus
- Line up in single file with younger children in the front so they can board first.
- Wait until the driver stops the bus and opens the door before attempting to get on board.
- Board the bus quickly but without crowding or pushing. Sit down in your designated seat.
- Never run on the bus as the steps may be slippery especially in the winter time. Place your foot squarely on the step, not on the edge.
- If you are carrying books and parcels, be particularly careful as it is more difficult to see the steps and to hold the handrail.Go directly to your seat and sit straight, well to the back of the seat.
Conduct on the Bus
- Remain seated throughout the trip and leave your seat only when the bus has reached its destination and comes to a complete stop.
- Keep your books, bags, and instruments on your lap or put them under the seat. Some buses may have a designated seat for large instruments. Keep the aisle clear.
- Do not talk to the driver except in case of an emergency.
- Avoid anything which might disturb the driver or interfere with the driving task. Refrain from loud or boisterous talking or yelling.
Safety Rules for Passengers
- Do not open windows without the driver's permission.
- Never stick your hands, arms, head or feet out of the window.
- Do not throw anything inside the bus or out of the window.
- Do not touch the emergency door or exits or any part of the bus equipment.
- Make sure all garbage is placed in the garbage can. Do not eat or drink on the bus.
- Obey the directions and instructions of the school bus driver promptly; remember your cooperation will ensure your own safety.
Getting Off the Bus
- Remain seated until the bus has reached its destination and comes to a complete stop.
- Do not rush when leaving the bus.
Crossing the Highway
- If you have to cross the road, walk along the edge of the road until you are about 3 metres (10 feet) IN FRONT of the bus where the bus driver can see you. Then look left and right and wait until the driver signals that it is safe before you proceed into the roadway.
- Continue to look left and right as you cross. At an intersection, look in all directions.
- Cross at right angles, never diagonally.
- Walk quickly across the road. Do not run.
- Never cross the road BEHIND the school bus.
NOTE: The Highway Traffic Act requires that all traffic must stop when approaching from the front or overtaking from the rear of a school bus that is stopped with red signal - lights flashing on the front and rear. Traffic is to remain stopped until the red signal - lights are no longer flashing. The only exception to the rule is where a highway is divided into separate roadways by a physical barrier or ditch. In that case, traffic approaching the bus from the front is not required to stop.
Always Remember: not all drivers stop for signals on the bus!
Make sure to read over the information on Bus Evacuation.