Frequently Asked Questions: Transportation
Who is eligible to ride the bus?
Transportation will be provided for those pupils who would have more than 1.6 kilometers to walk in order to reach the designated school, and, further, provision for transportation from home to school will be made regardless of distance for those pupils who are unable to walk to school because of physical or other handicaps.
I am attending a school of choice. Am I eligible for transportation?
No, you are then responsible for your own transportation.
What do I do if I want my child to ride the bus?
If you would like your child to ride the bus, you can contact your school administration office and ask for a "request for transportation" form. Return it to the office and you will be contacted with transportation information.
If my child is not going to be on the bus do I need to contact transportation staff?
Whenever possible please notify your driver directly. A phone call or note to the driver works well.
How do I know when school is cancelled?
School cancellations will be announced on the front page of the school division's Web site at 6:45 am. You can also listen to the Golden West Radion Station in your area for updates.
Which items can be transported on a school bus?
School books, school bags, backpacks and band instruments can be transported and must be kept on the lap or under the seat while travelling on school buses. Items such as hockey/broomball sticks, hockey bags, skateboards, scooters, toboggans (all types --including crazy carpets, GT Snowracers, etc.) will not be transported on school buses. In-line and ice skates can be transported on school buses only if they are in a skate bag.
How are bus drivers trained?
All school bus drivers must receive a minimum of 24 hours of instruction prior to operating a school bus carrying passengers and a minimum of eight hours in-service training during each school year. A person who is certified as a School Bus Driver Instructor by the Pupil Transportation Unit of Manitoba Education Citizenship and Youth provides this instruction.